I've always been a very active person; I worked as an editor
in a magazine, and then worked as a teacher besides extra activities. I barely
sat at my home, until I got married and had to move with my beloved husband to
the United States where he lives.
It was really hard to get used to my new life, I never
thought I’d stay at home and become a house wife. It was pretty boring at the
beginning, doing the same thing everyday, the same routine, then I came to
realize that there are so many things to do other than T.V, cooking and

1-Who said that playstation is only for “guys”, if your
husband owns a playstation 3 then it’s a treasure! There are so many nice games
other than FIFA “a.k.a soccer” find yourself a good game and go on an adventure!

2-Explore the surrounding around you, wake up early and go
for a walk have some nice fresh air and maybe you can put the headphones and
walk along with the music (cycling would also be a great idea!).

3-If you have a car and you can drive, then you have a great
opportunity to hit the road and explore more places (p.s: don't run away).

4-We never get bored of shopping do we? Just make sure to
not take your husband’s VISA , coz we don’t want him to lock you inside the

5- Pamper yourself,if you can't go to a spa; make yourself a nice warm bubble bath
with your favorite scrub, then get a new hair style with a nice dress and a bit
of makeup “your husband gonna love this for sure complete the surprise with a
nice dinner ;)”

6-Find yourself a nice sport that you can practice, if not
you can still workout at home and get a nice healthy body.

7-Reading is really the food for mind and soul, you’d be
really lucky if you have a public library or you can go buy a book every week
it will really absorb your attention and will also increase you knowledge and imagination.

8-Enroll in a good course, learn a new language or skill, there are plenty of free online course one of my fav. Is www.coursera.com it has a plenty of amazing

9-Volunteer in a nearby organization, charity work is one of
the most activities that you would really enjoy doing, you will get to know
more people and have a good social network.

10-Pick an instrument, learn how to draw or sew, Youtube is
filled with many many tutorials that are very useful.