=( it's too bad to start a new year so much pain and tears...what happeneds in gaza tears up the heart..
i hate it when i see it on TV it makes me feel i wanna jumb into the screen and scream at everyone..i also found out tht many ppl r killed around the world but we don't know anything abt them..
this disgrace humanity
no one deserves to die no matter how bad or good they were..
sometimes i hate the fact tht i'm a human being, so far all i do is tht i stand , watch, write and pray..
i hope i can be forgiven for tht
Rabena ye3enhom...it's so hard to live in such fear, the fear of sleeping and never wake up and the fear of losing a beloved one infornt of u...
God be with u gaza ='(
i wish the new yr wouldn't b much full of blood
It's not only about innocents being killed everyday... how it is viewed worldwide
see...if hamas in the first place didn't insist on sending "bomb el 3eed" on israeli territories, israel wouldn't have exploited the opportunity to salughter the palestinians under "self defending" curtain. Ppl around the world are encouraging israel against the arab terrorists as they were the ones who started at the first place; and what kills me is that no one can blame them!!
How could they be so smart to move at the right time and how are we so stupid to let them exploit us in such a way!!
unfortuately most people still live in the dream that israel doesn't exist. how many years have passed and still we can't accept the fact that israel is real!!it's strong it's developing and it's becoming of higher power every single day!!! when will we wake up to realize that not holding a gun and throwing a bomb is what will bring back the holy history and all those obsolete dreams!!
When will we realize that we're so "zebala" that we don't deserve to return the old good days!
when will we realize that not going to fight not going on strikes and what so ever will bring back the glory days...when will we stop blaming govrnments for being lousy!! when will we start looking in ourselves and seeing that we are not good representatives for our communities and that we deserve to be mocked at!!
It KILLS ME everyday to wakeup and find that we don't deserve to be a representatives for our religion and we still can't figure out the reason!
I pray that the new year ppl will begin realizing that themselves need to be mended and then with all pride we could stand up for ourselves and ask for our glory to be back and be sure we will be heard internationally...
7asby el lah we ne3ma el wakeel .. ba2olk 3azmaki 3andy 3ala el blog beta3y te2ry a5er ebd3aty .. we 2olely ra2yk ;)
لو حد عايز يتبرع لغزة....
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