where my first niece was born =)
a cute little missy LOJAYN.....oh God! she's adorable, it's my 1st time to c a new born child..she's our 1st grandchild.
she's really angalic and soooooooooooooooooooooo cute (yeah coz she looks like my sis lol) thank God she's well so is dina, we all went with her to the hospital.
everyone was pretty nervous, worried and happy =D, ahmed was SO SO NERVOUS, he even cried when dina entered the room (tht was so sweet).
i was so happy when i saw the child and...surprised too lol, can't believe i'm an aunt looool.
i think i'm getting old..after dina gave birth our childhood memories flashed upon my eyes....i remembered when we were kids...and everything we used to make then looked up at a pic for me , dina and yasmeen when we were young , i was so young tht i had 2 pony tails lool.
we grew up too fast...
tht's amazing...
yasmeen is going to give birth in april i guess...awwww i can't wait to see the 2nd baby :)...isA isA i'll be the best aunt ever =)
p.s: wish me luck my exams r soooo soooooon =(
I have been an aunt quite a while ago..and i never got to see my "mozza"
yes she's only getting sweeter everyday i'm afraid when i see her i get too attached that it'll be really tough when she leaves again..and i discovered how lovely those new creatures are when i first held my cousins baby ^.^
sub7an Allah...
I bet Loulo grows more beautiful eveyday and i wanna see her as much as i wanna see you..ehm..well,i wanna see you more than anything in the entire world besides Hanouna ^.^
Rabbena yehfazha
waiting for new pics soon!!!
A Baby ....
I can't stand their responsibility..
I wish I cud have a baby 1 yrs-old 3la tool , msh astna lama yekon so3'ier w yekbar :D
:@ feen el party ya shams ???!!
mafesh 3zooma wala 7aga <_<
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