Saturday, October 31, 2009

Random thoughts-4

i miss writing so much, i hate being so busy with work there is so many things tht i wished to write abt but sadly the ideas simply run away…

i’ll try to rit anything, everyday before i sleep so i wont lose contact with my dear blog.

lol its been a while since i wrote nonsense.

wooow the year is almost over GOD! i’m getting old !.

i miss all of my grandparents but my grannies the most esp. my dad’s mum.

i miss my dogs and wonder if they r still alive.

sometimes i miss my old house.

i miss the time i used to spend with my best friends.

i miss my cousins,

sometimes i miss studying…..but i do miss my colg days so much.

i miss my old computer….but i love my laptop.

i miss writing poems and i miss reading.

i miss my sisters

i miss holidays

i miss teenstuff boards and paradigm shift group.

i miss my violin but i love my bass alot

i miss chatting

i miss my friends , my band, my school and colg mates

i miss my young bros seif , shazly , islam , kaz , roar

i miss enjy , mero , hagar , aya , dina , sarah M, nema , nada , karima , rania , youmna , maisa , sarah O, rody

i miss saad and nicky

i miss my soul mate moda

i miss some other people…

i miss the way i used to b, i miss my self and feel i want to embrace myself


i gtg coz i’m waking up early for work

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